Paper Toy Papercraft Lab

Paper Toy Lab

Misc. Papercraft / Paper Toy Creations

Here you will find a random assortment of Castleforte paper toys and papercraft works that don’t fit into any of the other categories.

I’ve been doing papercraft and paper toys for over 10 years, and in the time I have designed hundreds of paper creations. I will post as many as I can, asap, time permits. Please visit often or better yet sign up for my newsletter to be notified when new toys are posted.


Lucha Libra Thunderpants Paper Toy

Lucha Libre Thunderpants

Castleforte Newsletter Exclusive

Lucha Libre Thunderpants is the most famous masked wrestler on the playground. No one dare challenges Thunderpants. The little guy wears his underpants on his head after all. You’d have to be crazy just to get near him let alone roll around on a matt with him. It’s probably best just to stay clear of this kid. Although he does look pretty great on the shelf. Why wouldn’t he, he’s wearing his underpants on his head!

Sign up for my newsletter and get your very own Lucha Libre Thunderpants right now!

Paper Toy Lab

Voodoo VooDood


Machine Cut Paper Toy

This little tribal dude is one of my favorite designs. He currently has no tribe (often people have no credit) but I hope to change that soon by creating some new characters to go with him. This toy is a first for me in that it was made using my awesome new KNK Force Computerized Cutting machine, allowing for some very intricate cuts. Will be doing some crazy fun stuff with this bad boy. Don’t miss out – subscribe to my newsletter to stay up-to-date.

Paper Toy Lab

Anonymous Occupy Paper Toy

Anonymous Occupy Papercraft Paper Toy

We Are Anonymous


This toy is a tribute to all the good people standing up for our freedoms, speaking out against corporate greed and corruption and the 1% who own more than the rest of us combined, which has caused so many problems for so many of us in the world.

The Occupy Movement and the hacker group Anonymous have shown the rest of us some wonderful examples of civil disobedience and the power of the people when we stand together, united. Power to the people!

Paper Toy Lab

Franken Corn No GMO Paper Toy

Franken Corn

Hell No GMO!

This toy was created to raise awareness for the awful, dangerous practice of mixing GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) with our food supply. We are literally being poisoned by chemical companies who now control most of the world’s food production and it’s scary stuff. I’m not going to get into all of that here but I strongly urge you to learn more about GMO’s and what you can do to protect yourself from the potential dangers of these unnatural, inorganic foods. After all you are what you eat.

Paper Toy Lab

Castleforte Classics Paper toy Templates

A collection of 16 Classic Castleforte paper toys in a single download!

Castleforte Paper Toy Templates

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