Artist | Creative Director | Animator
Los Angeles, CA.
Personally, (and professionally) creating everything from original character illustrations, custom toys and paper craft, to designing original creativity based games for IOS, photography, and writing a little poetry too. Creator of nicepapertoys.com, the first and only paper toy social network. Author of Papertoy Monsters, an amazing book of 50 papertoys for kids of ALL ages, now available in four languages, with a follow up book of robots on the way.
Professionally, (and personally) designing and executing cutting edge video, print and film graphics and animation for television and the web for over 25 years. Working both as a freelance contractor for many of the industry’s best and brightest studios and now also as the Co-founder/Creative Director @ ProlificBeings.com.
A huge fan of toys, animated films, and all things character. Equally happy in the city, in nature, or in the studio. California Native. Healthy, organic eater, activist, and friend to all. Mad love for people, children, animals and life in general. Living each day in gratitude. Always interested in living larger than self, empowering and inspiring others, especially kids, getting involved and making an impact in the world.
Happily married for 20 years to a beautiful wife, Linda, originally from Sweden. With two wonderful fur children… an amazing Lab/Akita and number one “son”, Soul, and a sweet little Maine Coon kitty, Sativa.