by admin | Jun 12, 2016 | Paper Toys |
Welcome to Castleforte’s World of Paper Toys! You will find all of your favorite Castleforte paper toys here, including newly refreshed classics, brand spank’n new designs, artists’ series and more. Come On In – Let the Journey...
by admin | Jun 8, 2016 | Books, Papertoy Glowbots |
PAPERTOY GLOWBOTS BY CASTLEFORTE The Amazing Glow-in-the-Dark Follow-Up Book to Papertoy Monsters! BUY IT NOW! I am so excited to present you with my second paper toy book, Papertoy Glowbots! Just like Papertoy Monsters, this book is packed full of amazing papertoys...
by admin | Jun 8, 2016 | Books, Papertoy Monsters |
PAPERTOY MONSTERS BY CASTLEFORTE Book Featuring the World’s Best Papertoy Artists BUY IT NOW! The Papertoy Monsters book is something I am very proud off. For starters, the book is totally sweet, packed full of amazing papertoys from some of the coolest...
by admin | Jun 8, 2016 | Apps/Games, Projects, Wack in the Box |
Wack in the Box Iphone App, Toys & More PREPARE TO BE WACKED! Introducing Wack in the Box, the breakout app created by Castleforte. The application features original, wacky character creations that you can play with in more ways than one. You can torment Wack in...
by admin | Jun 7, 2016 | Projects, The Mailians |
The Mailians iPad Papertoy Game/App Castleforte partnered with Play Smart Labs to develop a super cool iPad game/app called Mailians. A creative app/game that has kids print and scan my paper toys in and out of their digital device to not only use their own toy...
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